Monday, August 24, 2020

Spanish Beach Vocabulary

Spanish Beach Vocabulary Whats your concept of the ideal excursion? For some individuals, its going through days on the sea shore, tuning in to the waves beating on the sand. Also, if youre a sea shore darling, eventually youll get yourself where Spanish is spoken. Before you head out, here is some jargon you can get familiar with. Â ¡Buen viaje! la field - sandla bahã ­a - bayel balnerario - spa, resortel baã ±ador - bathing suit, swimming trunksel two-piece, el biquini - bikiniel bloque del sol, el bronceador - sunscreen, suntan lotionel buceo, bucear - jumping, to diveel cabin - bungalowel cayo - key (island)el esnorquel, el esnorkel, buceo con tubo de respiraciã ³n - snorkelingla isla - islandel lago - lakenadar - to swimel ocã ©ano - oceanla ola - wavela palapa - beachside working with a grass roofla piscina - swimming poolla playa - beachel puerto - portla puesta de sol - sunsetla sombrilla - sea shore umbrellael surf, hacer surf - surfing, to surfel traje de baã ±o - swimsuitla vista al deface - ocean or sea see Jargon Notes Hacer sustantivo: It is genuinely regular in Spanish when bringing in words to utilize the development hacer followed by a thing for the action word structure. For instance, Spanish has imported the word surf as the general word for surfing. To make the action word structure, use hacer surf, truly to do surfing. Another basic utilization of this development can be found as often as possible on Web pages, where haga clic aquã ­ is utilized for click here. Nadar: This action word is utilized in various informal expressions. One of the brilliant ones is nadar y guardar la ropa, truly to swim and keep ones attire, made an interpretation of as to have it the two different ways or to have it both ways. Other basic expressions are nadar entre dos aguas, to shift back and forth, and nadar contra corriente, to go against the flow. Wave: When talking about a wave in the sea or another waterway, the word ola is utilized. Yet, when talking about a wave in hair or in the material science sense, the word onda is utilized. Subsequently a microwave is un horno de microondas. There is no particular action word for to wave as in waving a hand; normal expressions are saludar con la mano for a straightforward influx of the hand or despedirse de alguiã ©n con la mano for waving farewell.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Memo Accounting Department Free Essays

Per your notice dated February twelfth with respect to the organization smoking boycott I have established an intercession board of trustees in the Accounting Department comprising of Joe Jones, Jane Doe and Herbert Hoover. In any case, since the new approach became effective last Monday, the board has gotten various objections of resistance in the men’s lay room on our floor that they can't successfully address. The Accounting Department’s Mediation Committee has had no impact in upholding the new smoking boycott; in truth a large number of different workers are offering remarks such that the board of trustees is exceeding its limits by endeavoring to control the issue in the rest room. We will compose a custom exposition test on Reminder Accounting Department or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now Comparable article: Teambuilding Memo Examples There are nine smokers of the 27 male staff individuals on our floor. The individuals who are consenting to the new approach currently should step outside for a smoke break and much time is being lost while they are away from their work areas. They are disappointed by the absence of asylum when it is coming down or snowing outside and this is prompting lost assurance in the smoking staff individuals. Also, the smokers will in general gather quickly outside the principle access to the structure and this is unsatisfactory for our customers and guests to observe. There has all the earmarks of being no simple answer for this issue. My Mediation Committee is very baffled by their absence of power to illuminate the issues being introduced to them. There may should be an addendum to the smoking boycott which tends to worthy arrangement during the staff’s ordinary work move. I would be glad to set up an advantageous time for you to visit with the intercession board of trustees, the floor staff and myself before the finish of this current week in my area of expertise. Maybe together we would all be able to think of a reasonable arrangement †if you don't mind instruct me regarding your accessibility. I value your assistance with this issue. Step by step instructions to refer to Memo Accounting Department, Essay models

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Whats the Diff?r?n?? B?tw??n SEO and SEM [FAQS]

Whats the Diff?r?n?? B?tw??n SEO and SEM [FAQS] “G??d SEO work only g?t? b?tt?r ?v?r tim?. It’s ?nl? search engine tri?k? th?t n??d to k??? changing when the ranking algorithms ?h?ng?”. Jill Wh?l?nBefore w? begin t? t?lk about SEO whi?h m??n? Search ?ngin? ??timiz?ti?n and it? counterpart SEM whi?h i? S??r?h ?ngin? m?rk?ting, it is im??rt?nt t? first t?lk about search engine r?nking and internet m?rk?ting ?nd h?w they all fit t?g?th?r.Th? reason everybody is t?lking ?b?ut S??r?h engine ??timiz?ti?n and S??r?h ?ngin? marketing is basically b???u?? we ?ll want t? g?t high tr?ffi? on our w?b?it??; ?nd n?t just high tr?ffi?, ?u?lit? traffic i? ?v?n m?r? im??rt?nt.We could all ?gr?? th?t th? r????n ?n?b?d? ?ut? anything on th? web i? for it t? be ???n.It ??n’t b? seen b? ?n? ??r??n wh? d???n’t h?v? a dir??t URL to ??ur site, that leave th? search ?ngin?? lik? G??gl? ?nd Bing ?? th? ?nl? way for you t? g?t vi?it?r? t? ??ur site.W?b traffic?W?b?it? tr?ffi? refers t? w?b u??r? wh? vi?it a website. Web tr?ffi? i? measured in visi ts, sometimes called ????i?n?, ?nd is a ??mm?n w?? t? m???ur? ?n online business effectiveness at ?ttr??ting an audience.W?b tr?ffi? is im??rt?nt â€" but n?t th? ?nl? thing.Wh?n ???mm?r?? took ?ff in th? 1990s, th? m?tri? of w?b tr?ffi? was first viewed as th? m??t im??rt?nt m??n? ?f d?t?rmining a w?b?it?? ???ul?rit?, ?? ?th?r metrics did n?t yet ?xi?t t? g?ug? ?nlin? success. A? digit?l m?rk?t?r? g?t ??vvi?r, analyzing a w?b?it?? ??rf?rm?n?? became mu?h more ??m?r?h?n?iv?.Analysts n? l?ng?r ju?t ask h?w many ????l? vi?it?d? Now, its ju?t ?? â€" if n?t more â€" important to find ?ut:How l?ng did u??r? stay? Bringing in huge ?m?unt? ?f traffic is ultim?t?l? m??ningl??? if u??r? l??v? after m?r? ????nd?. M?tri?? ?u?h ?? b?un?? r?t? ?nd time ?n page paints a ?i?tur? of h?w u??r? b?h?v?.Wh?t % of u??r? made a ?ur?h???? F?r an ?nlin? bu?in??? t? flourish, it n??d? a l?rg? audience. But it ?l?? needs t? be th? right ?udi?n??. D?t?rmining how many users buy products, commonly m???ur?d by ? ?nv?r?i?n r?t?, shows whether ?n ecommerce ?t?r? i? ?ff??tiv?l? ??lling th?ir product offerings.H?w mu?h does it cost to bring in a vi?it?r? Some web tr?ffi? i? free, but m?n? ?nlin? ?t?r?? r?l? ?n ??id tr?ffi? â€" such ?? PPC ?r ?ffili?t?? â€" to ?u???rt ?nd grow th?ir bu?in???. C??t ?f A??uiring Customers (CAC) and C??t P?r A??ui?iti?n (CPA) ?r? arguably th? tw? m??t im??rt?nt ???mm?r?? m?tri??. Wh?n b?l?n??d with AOV (?v?r?g? ?rd?r value) ?nd CLV (?u?t?m?r lifetime v?lu?), a business can ?????? ?nd adjust it? ?d ???nd ?? n??????r?.But because a l?t ?f ?th?r ????l? create ??nt?nt and th?? ?ll w?nt to have th?ir ?it?? ?h?w up ?n the first page ?f a ???r?h engines, (?nd th? search engines can ?nl? show a ??u?l?); it g?v? rise th? ?r??tivit? w? know t?d?? ?? “S??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti?n” ?nd “search engine m?rk?ting” whi?h are strategies we apply t? ?ut r?nk ?ur ??m??titi?n on the search engines.But b?f?r? we delve int? SEO ?nd SEM, let’s ??? wh?t w? m??n by ???r?h ?ngin? r? nking.SEARCH ENGINE RANKING“The b??t place to hid? a d??d body i? ??g? 2 ?f the G??gl? search r??ult?”. Bri?n Cl?rkS??r?h Engine Ranking i? the ???iti?n ?t which a particular ?it? ?????r? in the results ?f a search engine ?u?r?.Each page ?f th? search results typically lists 10 websites, ?lth?ugh th?? are sometimes ?ugm?nt?d with l???l li?ting?, vid??? ?nd im?g??.A W?b ???r?h ?ngin? i? a ??ftw?r? ???t?m th?t is designed t? ???r?h for inf?rm?ti?n ?n the World Wide W?b. The ???r?h results ?r? generally ?r???nt?d in a lin? ?f results ?ft?n r?f?rr?d t? ?? ???r?h ?ngin? R??ult? ??g?? (SERP?).The inf?rm?ti?n m?? be a mix of w?b pages, im?g??, ?nd ?th?r t???? ?f fil??. Some ???r?h engines also mine d?t? ?v?il?bl? in d?t?b???? or ???n dir??t?ri??.Unlik? web dir??t?ri??, whi?h ?r? m?int?in?d only b? hum?n editors, ???r?h ?ngin?? ?l?? m?int?in r??l-tim? information by running an ?lg?rithm ?n a w?b ?r?wl?r. M?n? site owners ?ng?g? in SEO (S??r?h engine ??timiz?ti?n) ??m??ign? in ?rd?r t? i m?r?v? th?ir ???r?h ?ngin? r?nking and m?v? th?ir w?b?it? closer to th? t?? ?f th? r??ult? b???u?? websites th?t ?r? r?nk?d higher t??i??ll? g?t a l?rg?r ??r??nt?g? ?f click-throughs and ?ttr??t more visitors th?n l?w?r r?nk?d websites.S?m? other w?b?it? ?wn?r? u?? SEM (S??r?h ?ngin? m?rk?ting)   which is a f?rm ?f Int?rn?t marketing th?t involves th? ?r?m?ti?n ?f w?b?it?? b? increasing th?ir visibility in S??r?h Engin? R??ult? P?g?? (SERP?) primarily thr?ugh paid ?dv?rti?ing. SEM m?? in??r??r?t? ???r?h engine optimization (SEO).S??r?h ?ngin? r?nking i? influenced by a multitud? ?f factors in?luding age of ?it?, th? quality of a site’s link ??rtf?li?, r?l?v?n?? of th? page, social ?ign?l? ?nd level of ??m??titi?n, ?m?ng ?th?r?.Google admits t? using 200 f??t?r? when determining a ?it?’? ???r?h engine r?nking, many of whi?h ??nn?t b? ??ntr?ll?d by th? w?b?it? ?wn?r.Among other thing?, a white h?t SEO ??m??ign i? d??ign?d t? positively im???t th??? f??t?r? ?nd im?r?v? a w?b?it?’ ? ?v?r?ll search ?ngin? r?nking.The ???r?h engines are ?l?? f??u??d ?n creating a m?r? personalized search experience for users ?nd take an individu?l’? search hi?t?r? into account.Whil? a website might rank #3 f?r ??rt?in search ?hr??? f?r ?n? vi?it?r, it might have ?nl? ranked #8 f?r ?n?th?r.S??r?h ?ngin? r?nking? ?r? n?t gu?r?nt??d fr?m ?n? search t? ?n?th?r, ?v?n when th? ???r?h ?hr??? i? the ??m?. Search engines rank individu?l pages ?f a w?b?it?, not the entire ?it?.Thi? m??n? th?t th? h?m???g? might rank #1 f?r ??rt?in keywords, whil? a d??? int?rn?l ??g? might b? li?t?d ?n th? third ??g?.A???rding to a ?tud? by Infront W?bw?rk?, the fir?t ??g? of G??gl? r???iv?? 95 ??r??nt ?f w?b traffic, with ?ub???u?nt pages r???iving 5 percent ?r less of t?t?l traffic.T?d?? m?r? than ?v?r, Google is th? ?ll ??w?rful. It crawls th? w?b, determining whi?h ??g?? are th? m??t u??ful ?nd r?l?v?nt for it? u??r?â€"f?r virtually ?n? t??i?.W? d?n’t ju?t trust G??gl?’? results, w? r?l? ?n th? m, to m?k? d??i?i?n? throughout th? day f?r many ?????t? of our liv??.With ?u?h immense ??w?r ?nd influence, getting ??ur ?m?ll business ?n th? fir?t ??g? ?f G??gl? might ???m im????ibl?, ?r way out of your league.H?w?v?r, it this very ??w?r th?t G??gl? holds th?t m?k?? it m?r? possible th?n ?v?r to g?t on th? first ??g? of G??gl? results.FAQ: WH?T I? S??R?H ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO)?“SEO i? a marketing function for ?ur?, but it n??d? t? be b?k?d int? a ?r?du?t, not ?l????d ?n lik? i?ing after th? cake i? baked”. Duane F?rr??t?rS??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti?n (SEO) This t?rm ?ith?r scares ????l? ?r ?li?it? vi?i?n? ?f a “W?b Guru” that’s w?? t?? full of himself, t?lling ??u ?x??tl? wh?t ??u “need” t? be d?ing t? b? guaranteed th? top ???t ?t th? party th?t i? G??gl?’? Search Engin? Results Page, so not true. Search Engine O?timiz?ti?n (SEO) i? th? process of ?ff??ting th? online vi?ibilit? ?f a w?b?it? ?r a web page in a w?b search engines un??id r??ult?â€"?ft?n r?f?rr?d t? ?? natural, ?rg?ni?, ?r ??rn?d r??ult?.In g?n?r?l, th? ??rli?r (?r high?r r?nk?d ?n the ???r?h results ??g?), ?nd m?r? frequently a w?b?it? appears in the search r??ult? li?t, th? m?r? vi?it?r? it will receive from th? search ?ngin?? users; these visitors can th?n b? converted int? ?u?t?m?r?.SEO m?? target diff?r?nt kinds of search, in?luding im?g? ???r?h, vid?? ???r?h, academic ???r?h, n?w? search, ?nd industry-specific vertical ???r?h ?ngin??.SEO diff?r? from local ???r?h engine ??timiz?ti?n in that th? l?tt?r i? f??u??d ?n ??timizing a bu?in??? ?nlin? ?r???n?? so that it? w?b ??g?? will be displayed b? ???r?h ?ngin?? when a user enters a l???l search for it? products or ??rvi???.Th? f?rm?r in?t??d is m?r? focused ?n n?ti?n?l ?r int?rn?ti?n?l ???r?h??.As ?n Internet m?rk?ting ?tr?t?g?, SEO ??n?id?r? h?w search ?ngin?? work, the computer ?r?gr?mm?d ?lg?rithm? which di?t?t? ???r?h ?ngin? behaviour, wh?t ????l? search for, the ??tu?l ???r?h terms ?r k??w?rd? t???d into ???r?h ?ngi n??, and which ???r?h ?ngin?? ?r? preferred b? th?ir t?rg?t?d audience.O?timizing a w?b?it? m?? inv?lv? ?diting it? content, ?dding ??nt?nt, d?ing HTML, and ?????i?t?d ??ding t? both increase it? relevance to ????ifi? k??w?rd? and t? r?m?v? b?rri?r? t? the ind?xing ??tiviti?? ?f ???r?h ?ngin??.Pr?m?ting a ?it? to in?r???? th? numb?r ?f b??klink?, ?r inb?und link?, is ?n?th?r SEO t??ti?.By May 2015, m?bil? ???r?h h?d surpassed desktop search. In 2015, it w?? r???rt?d th?t G??gl? i? developing and ?r?m?ting mobile search ?? a k?? feature within futur? products.In r????n??, many brands are b?ginning t? t?k? a diff?r?nt approach t? their Int?rn?t m?rk?ting strategies.It? tough getting n?ti??d ?n the W?b.A Web page can ?r?vid? u??ful information ?b?ut a ???ul?r ?ubj??t in ?n int?r??tiv? ?nd ?ngr???ing w??, yet still ?ttr??t f?w visitors. One ?f the m??t reliable w??? t? improve tr?ffi? is t? achieve a high r?nking ?n ???r?h ?ngin? r?turn pages (SERP?).Im?gin? th?t ??uv? ?r??t?d the d?fin itiv? W?b site on a ?ubj??t w?ll u?? ?k?diving ?? an example.Your ?it? is ?? new that it? n?t ?v?n li?t?d ?n any SERPs ??t, so ??ur first ?t?? i? t? ?ubmit your ?it? to search ?ngin?? lik? G??gl? ?nd Y?h??.Th? Web ??g?? ?n your skydiving ?it? in?lud? useful inf?rm?ti?n, ?x?iting ?h?t?gr??h? ?nd h?l?ful link? guiding vi?it?r? t? other r???ur???.Ev?n with the b??t information about ?k?diving ?n th? W?b, ??ur ?it? m?? n?t ?r??k th? t?? ??g? of r??ult? ?n m?j?r ???r?h ?ngin??.When people search f?r th? t?rm skydiving, they could ?nd u? going t? inferior Web sites b???u?? yours i?nt in the t?? r??ult?.Whil? m??t ???r?h ?ngin? ??m??ni?? try t? keep their ?r??????? a ???r?t, their criteria f?r high ???t? ?n SERPs i?nt a complete m??t?r?.Search ?ngin?? ?r? ?u?????ful only if they ?r?vid? a u??r link? t? th? best Web ?it?? related t? the users search t?rm?. If ??ur site i? the best ?k?diving r???ur?? ?n the W?b, it b?n?fit? ???r?h ?ngin?? to li?t th? ?it? high u? ?n their SERP?.You ju?t h?v ? t? find a w?? t? show ???r?h engines th?t ??ur ?it? b?l?ng? ?t the t?? ?f th? h???.Thats wh?r? ???r?h ?ngin? ??timiz?ti?n (SEO) ??m?? in it? a ??ll??ti?n ?f t??hni?u?? a w?bm??t?r can use t? im?r?v? hi? ?r h?r ?it?? SERP ???iti?n. W?b?it? ?????r? in ???r?h engine r??ult? when someone ???r?h?? for information r?l?t?d t? ??ur bu?in???.How Do the Search Engines Rank or Position Your Website in the Search Results?Th? ???r?h engines ???iti?n or r?nk ??ur w?b?it?? in their ???r?h r??ult? by calculating th?u??nd? ?f f??t?r? using a ??t ?f rul??. This ??t ?f rules i? kn?wn ?? an algorithm. Each ???r?h engine like Google, Bing ?nd Y?h?? use a uni?u? ?nd specific ?lg?rithm.H?r? are ??m? f??t?r? th?t ?r? known t? b? in the ?lg?rithm of th? thr?? major ???r?h ?ngin??, G??gl?, Y?h?? ?nd Bing th?t will h?l? ??u r?nk b?tt?r:P?g? ????dM?bil? Device (Sm?rt Phone, T?bl?t, etc) fri?ndlin???K??w?rd?, or t?xt, on ??ur website th?t ?r? tailored to your indu?tr?Website ?tru?tur?Quality titl? ?nd descri ption t?g?Quality ?f contentOth?r websites linking t? your websiteQu?lit? ?f links pointing t? ??ur websiteS??i?l ?ign?l? â€" ?h?r??, tw??t? ?t?.Ag? ?f websiteTh? u??r experience ?f your visitorsFrequency of ??nt?nt u?d?t??Im?g?? th?t are und?r?t?nd?bl? t? the ???r?h enginesLinking your w?b?it? ?ut t? quality w?b?it??URL structure ?f your pagesURL n?m? ?f ??ur w?b?it?H?r? are ??m? ?lg?rithmi? f??t?r? th?t will hurt ??ur r?nking?:Aut?m?ti??ll? g?n?r?t?d ??nt?ntP?rti?i??ting in link ??h?m??Cr??ting ??g?? with little ?r n? original ??nt?ntCl??kingSn??k? r?dir??t?Hidd?n text ?r linksD??rw?? ??g??S?r???d ??nt?ntParticipating in ?ffili?t? ?r?gr?m? with?ut adding ?uffi?i?nt v?lu?L??ding ??g?? with irr?l?v?nt k??w?rd?Cr??ting pages with malicious b?h?vi?ur, such ?? phishing ?r installing viru???, tr?j?n?, ?r ?th?r badwareAbusing rich ?ni???t? markupS?nding ?ut?m?t?d ?u?ri?? t? GoogleThe easiest way t? think ?f th? right way t? implement search ?ngin? optimization for your w?b?it? i? t? f?ll ?w thi? ?t?t?m?nt from Google about th? best ?r??ti??? f?r SEO; “Make ??g?? (w?b?it??) primarily for u??r?, not for ???r?h ?ngin??”.FAQ: WH?T IS S??R?H ENGIN? M?RK?TING (SEM)?“Search Engine M?rk?ting” was ?n?? was u??d as an umbr?ll? t?rm t? encompass both SEO (???r?h engine optimization) ?nd paid ???r?h ??tiviti??. Ov?r tim?, the industry h?? adopted th? SEM acronym t? refer ??l?l? to ??id search. S??r?h ?ngin? m?rk?ting i? th? practice ?f m?rk?ting ?r advertising your w?b?it? thr?ugh ???r?h engines, lik? Google, Y?h?? ?r MSN. Search ?ngin? marketing (SEM) m?? ??n?i?t of ?n? or more ?f th? f?ll?wing components:Org?ni? S??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti?n (SEO) S??r?h engine optimization i? th? ?r??ti?? ?f applying t??hni?u?? t? m?ximiz? ??ur r?nking in ?rg?ni?, ?r n?tur?l search r??ult?. Organic search results ?r? th? r?nking? ?f w?b ??g?? r?turn?d by a ???r?h ?ngin? wh?n ??u ???r?h for a ????ifi? word ?r ?hr??? a keyword or k??w?rd ?hr???. B??i??ll? ????king, SEM in??r??r?t?? SEOL? ??l Search If your bu?in??? ??t?r? t? l???l?, you can get li?t?d by ?it? in search ?ngin?? (i.e. G??gl?) ?nd dir??t?ri?? (i.?. Yahoo) ?ff?r a w?? for ?r?? residents t? find ??ur business ?nlin?, whi?h i? id??l ?in?? m?n? ????l? d?nt u?? th? ?h?n?b??k ?n?m?r?.P?? P?r Cli?k Adv?rti?ing (PPC) Ad? ??u place f?r ??ur website with a search ?ngin?, ?u?h ?? Google ?r Y?h??. Y?u bid th? ?m?unt you are willing to ??? ??r ?li?k. Th? more ??u bid, th? higher your ?d will appear in th? search ?ngin? results. G??gl? AdW?rd? h?? im?l?m?nt?d an additional f??t?r in where ??ur ?d? r?nk that i? b???d ?n th? relevancy ?r importance that G??gl? places on your site, whi?h is v?r? diffi?ult to m?ni?ul?t?.You ??n ?l?? use ??? ??r ?li?k ?dv?rti?ing t? ??ur advantage ?n ??ur ?wn site.For ?x?m?l?, ??u ??n m?k? m?n?? with G??gl? AdS?n?? ?nd ?th?r ?imil?r ?r?gr?m?.P?? F?r In?lu?i?n (PFI) In ?dditi?n t? ???r?h ?ngin??, like G??gl?, Y?h?? ?nd MSN ???r?h, num?r?u? directories ?l?? ?xi?t ?n the web. Th??? dir?? t?ri?? m?? be g?n?r?l in n?tur? or related to a ????ifi? t??i?. Y?u ??n g?t free li?ting? in ??m? ?nlin? directories, like DMOZ but m??t dir??t?ri?? n?w ?h?rg? f?r a listing. Verizons Su??r P?g?? i? ?n ?x?m?l? ?f a PFI dir??t?r?. Subj??t-b???d dir??t?r? li?ting websites in a wid? range ?f t??i??, fr?m arts, entertainment, ?nd ???i?t? ?nd culture, to ??i?n??, ?du??ti?n, ?nd health.FAQ: WH?T? TH? DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEO ?ND SEM? S??r?h ?ngin? ??timiz?ti?n ?nd ???r?h engine m?rk?ting ??n be a ??nfu?ing ??n???t t? gr???, but at this ??int ??u ?h?uld be g?tting th? id?? and the diff?r?n???.But when I ??k, is there ?v?n a difference?That might be th?ugh ?n? to begin t? actually ?n?w?r.Y?u might g?t th? idea, but ?utting the idea int? w?rd? might b? NOT SO EASY.SEO is increasing th? amount ?f w?b?it? visitors b? g?tting th? site t? appear high ?n r??ult? r?turn?d b? a search ?ngin?. SEM is considered internet m?rk?ting that in?r????? a ?it?? vi?ibilit? through organic ???r?h ?ngin?? results ?nd advertising. SEM includes SEO as w?ll ?? ?th?r search marketing t??ti??.Search Engin? Optimization (SEO): A better w?? ?f explaining thi? term ??n b? summarized b? ???ing it’s th? ?r????? ?f g??ring your website t?w?rd ??hi?ving b?tt?r r??ult? ?n Google thr?ugh ORGANIC search.This m??n? th?t ??u’r? not paying for results. Y?u’r? ?im?l? l?tting th? S??r?h Engine F?iri?? d? th?ir thing b? r??ding th? information ?n ??ur ?it?, placing ??u ?n the S??r?h Engine Results P?g? (SERP) wh?r? th?? see fit.Th? diff?r?nt constituents ?f SEO ?r? num?r?u? but the b??i? id?? i? to h?v? gr??t ??nt?nt, a g??d ?m?unt of ?u?lit? b??k link?, ?nd ?n-?it? ??timiz?ti?n th?t search ?ngin? crawlers (?r f?iri??, whi?h?v?r ??u like b??t) l?v?.The b?tt?r ??ur ??nt?nt and the m?r? ???ul?r ??u ?r? in Google’s ????, the b?tt?r ??ur ?it?’? ?h?n??? ?r? t? achieve a high ranking in organic ???r?h r??ult?.On th? ?th?r handSearch Engin? Marketing (SEM): A? ?t?t?d ??rli?r, SEO i? a ??m??n?nt ?f SEM, but t h?r? ?r? ?th?r factors th?t ??m?ri?? a ??m??n?’? SEM strategy.The b??i? ?r?mi?? b?hind SEM is that its ??l? ?ur???? i? to g?in a high?r vi?ibilit? ?n ???r?h engines, wh?th?r thi? is vi? organic ?r ??id tr?ffi?.Th?t’? wh?r? P??-P?r-Cli?k advertising ??m?? int? ?l?? as it ?ll?w? ??m??ni?? with th? right budg?t to g?t ?r?mi?r ?d ?l???m?nt for ??rt?in k??w?rd?.G??gl?’? version ?f P??-P?r-Cli?k advertising ??m?? in th? f?rm ?f it? Adw?rd? platform, which h?? pretty mu?h ??t th? ?t?nd?rd f?r SEM ?v?r?wh?r?.H?w d? they d? it?G??gl? h?? th? luxury ?f h?u?ing massive amounts ?f d?t? th?t ?ll ??ntribut? to how mu?h a company will n??d t? bid t? gu?r?nt?? a top spot f?r ?n? ?f th?ir ads. Obvi?u?l?, the t?? ???t ?n th? first ??g? for a ??rt?in k??w?rd i? going t? ?r?tt? pricey, and th? big boys lik? Amazon and WalMart g?t into the mix.Th?r? ?r? also m?r? ????ifi? keywords th?t ??n be targeted geographically th?t the little fish also g?t a ?h?n?? t? g?t a piece of.S??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti? nWhenever ??u t??? a question int? G??gl?, ?r ?n? ?th?r ???r?h ?ngin?, th? li?t of link? th?t ?????r b?l?w th? ads ?r? kn?wn ?? ?rg?ni? r??ult?.Th??? appear ?ur?l? b???d ?n th? ?u?lit? ?nd content of th? page.Tr?ffi? th?t comes fr?m people finding ??ur link? ?m?ng these results i? classified as ?rg?ni? ???r?h.Organic tr?ffi? i? wid?l? ??n?id?r?d th? m??t v?lu?bl? tr?ffi? ??ur?? f?r several r????n?:G??gl? directs th? high??t ?m?unt ?f traffic ?nd th?? ?r? the m??t tru?t?d ??ur?? f?r ????l? researching a purchase.G??gl? i? v?r?, very particular ?b?ut their r?nking? and ranking in the t?? fiv? r??ult? f?r a k??w?rd indi??t?? th?t your ??nt?nt i? high quality.Moving u? in th? r?nking? i? diffi?ult and takes time, but once ??ur? th?r? you g?t to r??? the b?n?fit? f?r a long tim?.R??ult? ?n the fir?t page of G??gl? (The T?? 10) receive 92% off ?ll search tr?ffi? ?n G??gl?. Traffic dr??? b? 95% ?n th? ????nd ??g?.33% of ?li?k? fr?m organic search r??ult? go t? th? v?r? fir?t li?ting ?n G?? gl?.The downside t? ?rg?ni? search is th?t it t?k?? tim? to g?t indexed ?nd really ?t?rt generating tr?ffi? from this source. (If youre l??king f?r instant gratification, l??k ?l??wh?r?!)Increasing ?rg?ni? tr?ffi? and ??rning t?? r?nking? t?k?? tim?, ??r?i?t?n??, and more effort th?n in th? ???t but it? well w?rth it. T?k? the f?ll?wing f??t? into ??n?id?r?ti?n:57% ?f B2B m?rk?t?r? ??? SEO h?? th? biggest im???t ?n l??d generationOn average, ?rg?ni? search leads have a 14.6% ?l??? rate, ??m??r?d t? 1.7% f?r outbound m?rk?ting l??d?The high??t ???nd?r? are more likely t? turn t? organic ???r?h f?r inf?rm?ti?nEv?r? m?nth th?r? ?r? more th?n 10.3 billi?n Google searches, with 78% of U.S. internet u??r? r????r?hing products ?nd services ?nlin?*Sources ?nd m?r? 2015 SEO ?t?ti?ti?? can b? f?und hereSearch Engin? M?rk?ting (P?id S??r?h)P?id ???r?h accounts ?r? th??? that ??m??ni?? h?v? ??id t? ?????r th? t?? ?f ???r?h r??ult? (above th??? th?t ??rn?d th?ir ??g? ?n? spots ?rg?ni??ll?.)Desp ite the little ??ll?w b?x n?xt t? th?ir title r??ding ad, many consumers ?r? un?w?r? that these ?r? even ?dv?rti??m?nt?. Th? ads feel n?tiv? ?nd fit seamlessly int? th? results t? b? l??? ?b?tru?tiv?.For th??? r????n?, ??id search has b??n m?r? ???ul?r in r???nt ???r? as organic ???r?h h?? b???m? m?r? ??m??titiv?.R?th?r th?n h?ving t? wait ??ti?ntl? f?r your SEO t? build u?, ??u ??n ??? for th? ?h?n?? to get ???n ?n ??g? ?n? of G??gl? imm?di?t?l?.T? give you an id?? ?f ju?t h?w much m?n?? i? b?ing ???nt ?n paid search, t?k? a look ?t G??gl?. Googles AdW?rd? ?r?gr?m is the m??t u??d ???-??r-?li?k (PPC) advertising program available t?d??. Whil? th? t??h gi?nt ?wn? YouTube ?nd Android, among hundr?d? of ?th?r profitable brands, AdW?rd? ????unt? f?r r?ughl? 70% of their r?v?nu? whi?h speaks wonders f?r it? ?ff??tiv?n???.When ?t?rting your first ??m??ign on G??gl? Adw?rd?, ??u n??d t? b? tactful. Wh?n d?n? right, you can ?t?rt g?tting a t?n ?f t?rg?t?d traffic t? ??ur landing ??g?? muc h quicker th?n ??u w?uld b? ?bl? t? g?t fr?m ?rg?ni? ???r?h, but ??u ??n l??rn more about that h?r?B?th t?rm? ?r? often u??d int?r?h?ng??bl?, whi?h m?k?? matters even w?r??. It i? im??rt?nt t? und?r?t?nd th? difference b?tw??n th? two t?rm? ?nd that th?? ?r? different.S? wh?t’? th? t?k??w??, you may ask? SEO i? un??id ?nd solely u??? inf?rm?ti?n found ?n your w?b?it?. SEM, ?n the other h?nd, t?k?? b?th SEO and ??id ???r?h r??ult? int? ????unt.The fir?t th?ught that comes to mind ?f th? difference b?tw??n SEO ?nd SEM i? ???t. SEO i? fr?? website tr?ffi? ?nd SEM ???t? money for w?b?it? tr?ffi? right?Wr?ng.SEO i?n’t free, th? ???t just ??m?? at a diff?r?nt tim? and th? ????ff i?n’t ?? quick. Th? b?n?fit? ?f SEO ?r? mu?h m?r? l?ng-t?rm th?ugh. N?t only th?t but th?r?’? a l?t m?r? tru?t in ?rg?ni? ???r?h results than in ads.The bigg??t difference between SEO ?nd SEM ??m?? from th? l?ng?vit? and inv??tm?nt ?f ???h. SEO t?k?? a long tim? t? ramp u? ?nd ?t?rt working wh?r??? SEM i? v?r? quick t? ?t?rt w?rking.SEO ???t? m?r? money u? front to get ?t?rt?d (in ?ith?r time ?r money d???nding ?n if you d? it ??ur??lf or not) but ?n?? ??u g?t tr?ffi? ??u’ll k??? g?tting it with minim?l u?k??? and ???t. SEM will ??ntinu? t? ???t m?n?? as long ?? ??u w?nt vi?it?r? t? ??ur w?b?it?.E??h ?n? h?? it? b?n?fit? and drawbacks ?? you can ???. Th? diff?r?n?? i? ?ll about r?m?-u? tim? and l?ng-t?rm investment.Th? Ch?ll?ng?? ?f SEO ?nd SEM ?r? ?till part ?f th? difference.   B?th SEO and SEM come with th?ir own uni?u? challenges.It d???n’t always come d?wn t? ???t or time ?ith?r. Both have ?h?ll?ng?? r?l?t?d to ?u?lit?, ?tr?t?g?, and m?r?. With SEO ?v?n if ??u do ?v?r?thing right ?n ??ur website ??u w?n’t rank for th? #1 ???t in m??t ?????. F?r SEM you ??n’t ?im?l? thr?w u? ?n ?d t? ??ur h?m? ??g? and h?v? ?u?????.So, wh?t ?r? ??m? of the ?h?ll?ng?? th?t come with ???h?FAQ: WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES ?F SEO?Th?r?’? always that h?rd to ?h?k? expectation that within a month ??ur w?b?it? will r?nk in th? top ???t of your m?rk?t. Unf?rtun?t?l?, that’s not h?w SEO w?rk? whi?h i? where it? ?h?ll?ng?? come in.F?r competitive k??w?rd? (m??t ?f th?m ?r? th??? days) ??u h?v? t? h?v? ?m?zing ??nt?nt to r?nk f?r th?m. H?r?’? th? biggest ?h?ll?ng? ?v?n amazing ??nt?nt won’t rank.It’s n??????r? to build link? t? ??ur w?b?it? which m??n? ?utr???h, b?ing f??tur?d ?? an expert in ??ur industry, and t?lking t? lots of ????l? in ?nd ?ut ?f ??ur industry.All of that ??n t?k? a l?t ?f time ?nd ?ff?rt.If you g?t a ??g? r?nk?d high th?t’? gr??t but th? titl? ?f th? ??g? ?nd m?t?-d???ri?ti?n will d?t?rmin? if people ?v?n click ?n it. If th?? d?n’t ?li?k on ??ur page, it’ll b? demoted in th? ???r?h r??ult?.Amazing quality content is a g??d start th?ugh b???u?? with?ut it search ?ngin?? ?ur?l? won’t rank your w?b?it?.FAQ: WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES ?F SEM?There ?r? tw? big ?h?ll?ng?? with SEM it??lf. The tw? big ?h?ll?ng?? ?f SEM th?t you have t? get right.Y?u h ave to start with th? right k??w?rd? th?t have th? ??rr??t ???r?h int?nt. Is ??m??n? searching f?r SEO ??rvi?? ?r ?r? th?? ju?t tr?ing t? l??rn th? meaning of SEO? You h?v? t? u?? the right k??w?rd? f?r th? right int?nt r?th?r than simply what you sell.It’? necessary t? writ? ?n ad th?t matches th? k??w?rd? ?nd ?t?nd? ?ut ?m?ng other ?d?. You ??n’t look lik? everyone ?l?? ?nd expect t? ?t?nd out. S?m?thing h?? t? m?k? ????l? want t? click on your ?d and n?t ??ur ??m??tit?r?.Th??? ?r? ??m? huge challenges to ?v?r??m? and then th?? b?th h?v? ?h?ll?ng?? th?t are v?r? ?imil?r.FAQ: WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES SIMILAR TO SEO AND SEM?With b?th SEO ?nd SEM you’re ?r?b?bl? bringing vi?it?r? b??k t? ??ur w?b?it?. Of ??ur??, th?r? are ?d t???? f?r driving ??ll? ?nd vi?it?r? t? a physical l???ti?n, a website i? ?till necessary.F?r SEO, ??ur w?b ??g? is ?b??lut?l? im??rt?nt f?r both ranking ?nd g?tting visitors to d? wh?t ??u w?nt. For SEM ??ur w?b ??g? is im??rt?nt for g?tting people t? your call t? ??ti?n t? ??nv?rt into a lead.In b?th ????? ??timizing ?v?r? ??g? ?f ??ur website f?r conversion i? essential to th? success ?f SEO and SEM. Y?u always w?nt your landing pages (the page a visitor lands on) to be ?ff??tiv?, have a ?l??r f??u?, and a clear goal.According t? Andr?? Li??tt??v, S??r?h Quality Senior Str?t?gi?t ?t G??gl?, high-?u?lit? ??nt?nt ?nd link building ?r? th? two m??t im??rt?nt ?ign?l? u??d by Google t? r?nk your w?b?it? f?r ???r?h. (Source: S??r?h Engin? Watch, 2016)Ev?n though thi? ?t?t w?? ?ull?d from 2016, this ?till ring? true today. Qu?lit? content h?? consistently been a f??t?r t?w?rd? gaining tr?ffi? ?nd r?nking f?r ??ur ?it?/??g?, so it’? ?r?b?bl? ?n? thing w? ??n ?x???t t? r?m?in th? ??m? f?r th? foreseeable futur?.Focus on ?u?lit? ?v?r ?u?ntit?. Thi? will h?l? ??ur ??r??n? ??r??iv? ??ur ?it? ?? v?lu?bl? t? th?m… ?v?ntu?ll? driving them b??k. This also will h?l? ??m??tit?r? or others in ??ur indu?tr? t? see your ?it? as v?lu?bl?, ?nd m?k? th ?m w?nt to link back to ??ur ?it?.Before publishing, share your w?rk with ?th?r? in the indu?tr? ?r with ??ur customers to ensure ??u’r? ???nding tim? ?n v?lu?bl? ??nt?nt.OTHER SEO AND SEM RELATED FAQsFAQ: Wh? i? SEO so important?“In t?d??’? ??m??titiv? m?rk?t, SEO i? m?r? im??rt?nt th?n ?v?r. S??r?h ?ngin?? ??rv? millions ?f users ??r d?? l??king f?r ?n?w?r? to their ?u??ti?n? or f?r ??luti?n? to their ?r?bl?m?”. Dh?rm?nd?rB?dw?l, F?und?r Pr??id?nt ?t Adz? Ybrant . Search engine ??timiz?ti?n is ????nti?l b???u??:Th? majority of search ?ngin?? users ?r? m?r? lik?l? t? ?li?k on ?n? ?f th? t?? 5 ?ugg??ti?n? in the r??ult? ??g?? (SERPS), ?? t? t?k? advantage of this ?nd gain visitors t? your w?b ?it? ?r customers t? ??ur ?nlin? ?t?r? you n??d t? in th? t?? ???iti?n?.SEO i? not ?nl? ?b?ut search engines but g??d SEO ?r??ti??? improve th? u??r ?x??ri?n?? ?nd usability ?f a w?b ?it?.U??r? tru?t ???r?h engines ?nd having a ?r???n?? in th? top ???iti?n? for th? k??w?rd? th? u??r is searching, in?r????? the w?b ?it?’? tru?t.SEO is g??d f?r th? ???i?l ?r?m?ti?n ?f your web site. P???l? wh? find ??ur w?b ?it? by ???r?hing G??gl? or Y?h?? ?r? more lik?l? to ?r?m?t? it ?n Facebook, Twitter, G??gl?+ or ?th?r social media channels.SEO i? important f?r th? ?m??th running ?f a big w?b ?it?. W?b ?it?? with m?r? th?n one author ??n b?n?fit from SEO in a direct ?nd indir??t w??. Th?ir dir??t benefit is in?r???? in ???r?h engine tr?ffi? and th?ir indirect b?n?fit i? h?ving a ??mm?n framework (?h??kli?t?) to use b?f?r? publishing ??nt?nt ?n th? site.SEO ??n put you ?h??d ?f the ??m??titi?n. If tw? web ?it?? ?r? selling th? ??m? thing, th? ???r?h engine ??timiz?d w?b ?it? i? m?r? likely t? have more customers ?nd make more sales.FAQ: What P?r??nt?g? ?f Org?ni? S??r?h Sh?uld B? C?nv?rting into L??d??At ?n? ??int ?r ?n?th?r, ?v?r? m?rk?t?r, ?g?n??, bu?in??? ?wn?r, ?nd inb?und ?nthu?i??t h?? ??k?d this ?u??ti?n: “How much ?f m? ?rg?ni? tr?ffi? should really b? ??nv?rting i nt? l??d??”Thi? question h?? g??d reason b?hind it: organic visit-to-lead ??nv?r?i?n rate is a gr??t b?n?hm?rk ?f inb?und ?u?????.N?t t? m?nti?n, l??d? ?bt?in?d from inbound ??tiviti?? (?u?h ?? organic leads) h?v? a mu?h high?r ?l??ing or conversion r?t? th?n th?ir ?utb?und counterparts:   SEO leads h?v? a 14.6% ??nv?r?i?n rate, while ?utb?und l??d? (such ?? dir??t mail ?r print advertising) h?v? a 1.7% conversion r?t?, ????rding t? Eric Siu f?r S??r?h Engin? Journal.S? what i? a “g??d” visit-to-lead ??nv?r?i?n r?t? f?r organic ???r?h traffic?K??? in mind th?t ????ifi? ??nv?r?i?n r?t?? ??n vary ??n?id?r?bl? depending ?n indu?tr?, website ?iz?, ??ur ?it?’? ?????r?n??? in ???r?h ?ngin? results, and the numb?r ?f l?nding pages.The ?v?r?ll average percentage ?f ?rg?ni? traffic that should b? ??nv?rting int? l??d? i? 16%Br??king this down b? industry, we ??? the f?ll?wing ?rg?ni? tr?ffi? conversion r?t??:M?di? ?r ?ubli?hing: 20%M?rk?ting ?g?n?? ?r consultancy: 20%Education, train ing, nonprofit: 18%T??hn?l?g? (h?rdw?r?, ??ftw?r?, IT): 15%M?nuf??turing, ??n?tru?ti?n, ??n?um?r g??d?: 15%Professional services (fin?n?i?l, legal, etc.): 14%R?t?il, ??mm?r??, wh?l???l? distribution: 11%If ??ur numb?r? aren’t mu?h similar t? the ?v?r?g?? li?t?d above, d?n’t b? surprised. M?n? f??t?r? can influ?n?? ?v?r?g? ?rg?ni? traffic ??nv?r?i?n rates.FAQ: Wh?t ?r? the B?n?fit? of Paid S??r?h Adv?rti?ing (SEM)? 1. G?t On th? Fir?t P?g? ?f G??gl?, F??tTh?r? i? limited real ??t?t? f?r th? t?? positions in ?rg?ni? ???r?h r??ult?, ?nd d???it? ??ur b??t ?ff?rt? you m?? never g?t th?r? with all the ??m??titi?n.If ??u’r? a n?w bu?in??? or an ?xi?ting ?n? just ?t?rting to build ??ur ?nlin? ?r???n??, ???r?h ads can g?t you in fr?nt of highl? t?rg?t?d customers in a matter ?f minutes!2. M?int?in Y?ur ReputationWith ??id ???r?h ads, users will see that ??u have paid t? be ?n th? fir?t ??g? ?f G??gl?.H?w?v?r, thi? will not r?fl??t ???rl? ?n ??ur bu?in??? reputation.Ju?t lik? with ?rg?n i? r?nking?, ???r?h ?ngin?? h?v? a ??t of requirements ?nd f??t?r? in ?l??? for paid r?nking?, t? ?n?ur? th?t th? ads it puts in front ?f its u??r? are relevant ?nd trustworthy.Your ?d r?nk is n?t solely based ?n h?w high ??u bid. G??gl? ?nd other search ?ngin?? also look at ??ur quality ???r?, whi?h is a m???ur? ?f how r?l?v?nt ??ur k??w?rd is t? ??ur ad text ?nd t? wh?t a u??r i? searching f?r.3. P???l? Wh? Click ?n P?id Search Ads ?r? R??d? t? BuyP???l? who ??? ??ur ??id ???r?h ads ?r? th??? who ?r? ???r?hing f?r ??ur ?r?du?t ?r service. Th?? ?r? m??t lik?l? doing ?? because it i? ??m?thing they w?nt to ?bt?in n?w or in th? near futur?.Sin?? paid search ?d? target’ specific search ?u?ri??, you ??n b? sure th?t anyone wh? ?li?k? ?n ??ur ad is not arbitrarily surfing the web, but rather, i? highl? lik?l? t? buy ??ur ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi??.4. P?id S??r?h An?l?ti??Search ?ngin?? like G??gl?, Y?h?? ?nd Bing ?r?vid? marketers u?ing th?ir ?dv?rti?ing ?l?tf?rm with free real-time data ?nd ?n?l?ti??.With thi? inf?rm?ti?n you can learn ?uit? a bit about th??? wh? click ?n your ?d, in?luding:Where th?t ??r??n is locatedH?w mu?h tim? th?? spent ?n ??ur ?it?Wh?t ??g?? th?? vi?it?d ?n ??ur ?it?Wh?t t??? ?f d?vi?? th?? w?r? using (m?bil?, t?bl?t, l??t??)Thi? d?t?il?d data ?ll?w? ??u t? ??? ?x??tl? wh?t ??u’r? g?tting fr?m ?v?r? paid ???r?h d?ll?r ??u spend.Use it t? b? more ?ffi?i?nt with ??ur advertising, t? ??ntinu?u?l? im?r?v? ??ur campaigns, ?nd t? g?t th? r??ult? ??u w?nt.FAQ: Do I need t? kn?w code t? d? SEO myself?You d? not n??d t? kn?w how to code f?r ?v?r? ?l?m?nt ?f ???r?h ??timiz?ti?n.There ?r? ??m? m?r? ?dv?n??d SEO t??ti?? th?t ??u will n??d a b??i? und?r?t?nding of ??d? f?r, but it isnt n??????r? for ?v?r? part.FAQ: How l?ng d??? it t?k? t? ??? r??ult? fr?m SEO?Th?r? ?r? a few diff?r?nt f??t?r? th?t will d?t?rmin? h?w ?ui?kl? (?r ?l?wl?) r??ult? will ??m?. Thi? li?t in?lud??, but isnt limit?d to:How much ??nt?nt you ?r??t?Th? ?u?lit? of th? ??nt?ntHow the ? ?nt?nt resonates with ??ur ?udi?n??If ??ur? a big ?r ?m?ll site with ?tr?ng or weak domain ?uth?rit?A l?rg? site ??uld ????ibl? see r??ult? in a ??u?l? of days if a ???r?h engines i? ?r?wling th?ir site regularly. Sm?ll?r ?it?? will m??t lik?l? take l?ng?r b???u?? th?? g?t ?r?wl?d less frequently.Wait ?t l???t a w??k, but ?r?b?bl? ?l???r t? a m?nth, before ??u consider changing ??ur SEO ?tr?t?g? a bit l?ng?r if ??ur? br?nd n?w t? SEO.FAQ: Wh?t? a g??d g??l to ??t f?r your SEO ?r SEM?Wh?n ??u think about your g??l for SEO or SEM ?? a wh?l?, d?nt ju?t think about th? t?? ?f th? funnel ?nd h?w m?n? m?r? vi?it? youre getting t? ??ur w?b?it?.Think ?b?ut ??ur full m?rk?ting funn?l ?nd h?w mu?h quality tr?ffi? youre g?tting t? ??ur w?b?it?.Are th? ????l? who are finding ??ur w?b?it? thr?ugh SEO ?nd ??id ???r?h actually ?u?lifi?d ?r?????t? f?r your bu?in???? If not, d??? it really m?tt?r that th? tr?ffi? t? ??ur w?b?it? h?? in?r????d?A? ??u ?r??t? ??ur g??l?, consider what g?n?r?l traffic v?. ?u?lit? tr?ffi? m??n? to ??u. Set g??l? not ju?t based ?n tr?ffi?, but b???d ?n th? ?ntir?t? ?f ??ur marketing funn?l.FAQ: How Does One Buy Search?Search i? sold ?n ?n ?u?ti?n based ???t?m, inv?nt?d b? ??rl? pioneers Inkt?mi ?nd ???ul?riz?d b? Googles AdWords ???t?m. (B? the w??, AdSense i? G??gl?? content n?tw?rk; whil? m?rk?t?r? can buy t?xt ?d? ?n AdSense, the network i? n?t th? ??m? ?? search.)Search ?dv?rti??r? bid t? k??w?rd? and ?h???? th? m?ximum ?ri?? theyre willing to ??? wh?n a user clicks ?n th?m.But when it ??m?? t? ??id search, the high??t bid d???nt ?lw??? g?t th? t?? placement; ???r?h ?ngin?? ?l?? factor in ?u?lit? scores how lik?l? i? a ???r?h ad to b? clicked?A ???r?h engines r?v?nu?, r?m?mb?r, is a factor of ?ri?? ??r ?li?k tim?? numb?r of ?li?k?.FAQ: How do Paid Search Ad? Work?Paid search ?d? ???t the ?dv?rti??r a d?fin?d amount each tim? ??m??n? ?li?k? ?n th?t r??ult.Cost ??r ?li?k ??n r?ng? fr?m 50 ??nt? to ??v?r?l dollars ??r ?li?k, d???nding ?n various f??t?r? ?nd th? search ?ngin?’? ?lg?rithm?.Wh?n ??tting u? your paid ???r?h ?d campaign, you will b? ??k?d t? id?ntif? th? maximum ?m?unt th?t ??u w?nt to spend per ?li?k (bid), ?nd the maximum amount ??u’r? willing t? spend f?r the ??m??ign (budget).FAQ: Is Googles Universal Search Concept Affecting Ads?G??gl? universal ???r?h ?ggr?g?t?? r??ult? n?t only from t?xt based m?di? but ?l?? ?h?t?? ?nd vid???.And it h?? ???n?d th? d??r t? video ?d? ?n ???r?h r??ult? ??g??, whi?h G??gl? i? r?lling ?ut in b?t?.Mr. Sulliv?n ?ugg??t? th?t ??uld, in turn, ???n th? door t? CPM-based ???r?h ad ?ri?ing. Video ?d?, h? writes in a previous ??lumn, ???n th? d??r for th? ???m?nt ?tru?tur? t? change.An??n? remember that Google ?d? used t? b? CPM-b???d?CPM, ?f ??ur??, is ni?? f?r building br?nd?. Im?r???i?n? ??n m?tt?r m?r? th?n ?li?k?, ?nd video might ?ll?w CPM-b???d ?d? t? r?turn t? search pages. Th?t will b? ?????i?ll? u??ful in G??gl?? ?u??t t? w?? budg?t? fr?m big accounts l??king t? build bra nds.FAQ: I was ??n?liz?d but I ??n’t r???v?r m? (SEO) r?nking?, wh??Bad b??klink? trigg?r m??t G??gl? ??n?lti??, but it’? n?t always a rul?. If ??ur w?b?it? h?? not ??t r???v?r?d it? r?nking?, it could b? b???u?? ?f th? f?ll?wing r????n?:Y?u haven’t ?l??n?d up ?ll your bad b??klink?Y?ur di??v?w r???rt i? incompleteNo algorithm update t??k ?l??? lately. P?nd? ?nd P?nguin ??n?lti?? require a fr??h algorithm u?d?t? f?r r???v?r?.Your content is h?lding ??u back. If a G??gl? update hit ??ur w?b?it?, ??u have to r?vi?? ??ur w?b?it?’? content.Y?u d?n’t have enough ?u?lit? backlinksYour w?b?it? h?? other unkn?wn ?r?bl?m?Y?ur r???n?id?r?ti?n r??u??t was not yet reviewed.FAQ: D??? g??d content ??u?l high r?nking? in Google?Not ?lw???.T? r?nk high in Google, it’s important t? have high-?u?lit? content that provides value t? ??ur r??d?r?.However, thi? doesn’t mean th?t your ?u????? is gu?r?nt??d.There ?r? ?th?r w?b?it?? th?t ??uld h?v? ??nt?nt th?t’? ?t least as g??d ?? ??ur?. E veryone w?nt? t? rank high in Google, but ?ft?r all, backlinks will be th? ?n?? to m?k? a diff?r?n??.Th? recipe for SEO success i? high-?u?lit? ??nt?nt ?nd backlinks from ?uth?rit?tiv? d?m?in?. On? without th? ?th?r will n?t work.FAQ: Wh?t’? the best articles l?ngth for SEO?Num?r?u? ?tudi?? h?v? shown th?t w?b?it?? with l?ng and ?ng?ging ??nt?nt r?nk? high?r in Google. Arti?l?? with more th?n 2000 w?rd? h?v? higher ?h?n??? to r?nk high.Your ??nt?nt mu?t b? w?ll d??um?nt?d and ?ff?r value to your r??d?r? b? ?n?w?ring their m??t im??rt?nt ?u??ti?n? and ?ff?ring u??ful ti??.FAQ: How d? I know if my SEO company is h?l?ing me ?r not?Never tru?t ??ur SEO ??m??n? fully! Always be vigil?nt and ask them t? send d?t?il? ?b?ut th? thing? th?? ?r? w?rking on, and the backlinks th?? are building.Wh?n ??u ?ut??ur?? SEO to a ??m??n? ?r fr??l?n??r, ??u ?r? ?utting your w?b?it?’? f?ith on th?ir h?nd?.Ask th?m t? ??nd w??kl? r???rt? ?nd keep ?n ??? ?n h?w ??ur ?rg?ni? tr?ffi? i? performing. U?? t ??l? lik? M?nit?r B??klink? to analyze th? n?w b??klink? ??ur w?b?it? i? g?tting ?nd if you see ?n?thing ?u??i?i?u?, ?u???nd th? ??ll?b?r?ti?n imm?di?t?l?.If ?n?thing b?d ever h????n? t? ??ur w?b?it? (like a ??n?lt?), you’ll b? the one ?ff??t?d, n?t your SEO company. Hence wh? you ?n?l?z? ?ll the work, th?? ?r? doing.FAQ: C?n ads ?ff??t SEO?Y??. Google h?? a special ?lg?rithm t? d?t??t ??g?? that have t?? m?n? ?d? above th? f?ld. If ??ur website h?? a bad ?v?r?ll u??r ?x??ri?n?? ?nd has too m?n? ads, ??ur w?b?it? might b? ?u?h?d t? 2nd or 3rd ??g? in SERPS.D?n’t u?? t?? m?n? ?d?, whether it’? AdS?n?? ?r ?n?th?r provider.CONCLUSIONS??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti?n (SEO) has tr?diti?n?ll? been thought of ?? a ??m??n?nt ?f th? umbr?ll? t?rm, Search Engin? Marketing (SEM), encompassing b?th ??id AND organic t??ti??.T?d??, SEM i? u??d t? r?f?r exclusively t? ??id search.A???rding to S??r?h Engine L?nd, S??r?h Engin? M?rk?ting i? “the ?r????? of g?ining website traffic by purchasing ?d? on ???r?h ?ngin??,” while S??r?h Engin? O?timiz?ti?n is defined ?? “th? ?r????? of g?tting traffic fr?m th? free, organic, ?dit?ri?l ?r n?tur?l ???r?h r??ult? on ???r?h ?ngin??.”So, r?th?r th?n vi?wing SEM ?? an umbrella term ?n??m????ing SEO, it’? m?r? ???ur?t? t? view SEM (paid ???r?h) ?nd SEO (organic search) ?? ????r?t? ?ntiti?? t? u?? ?? part ?f ??ur Search Marketing ?r??n?l.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Western Apache Language and Culture - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 900 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Culture Essay Level High school Tags: Ethnographic Essay Did you like this example? From what I read, I understood that the Apache people, just like most if not all societies, have an emphasis on using the past to teach future generations to moral lessons using stories, gossip and sagas passed down from ancestors. The Apache language is featured in all these methods of communication. Not only does this help keep the language alive throughout the years, but it also establishes and maintains a stronger bond with their ancestors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Western Apache Language and Culture" essay for you Create order When it comes to naming places, the Apache do not take any detail for granted. Descriptive specificity is a common characteristic of place-names (47). The name chosen had to be able to give members of the tribe a clear image that, once spoken, would help them remember the place accurately (12). An example is Tiis Sikhadade meaning a Groove of Cottonwood Trees (16) or Kai?‚b?- ye Bi?‚ Naagozwode meaning Gray Willows Curve Around A Bend; a point on a stream (23). Also, after the name has been given, it continues to hold significant value for later generations because they are words that were spoken directly by their ancestors in their language. They are essentially repeating their speech (10) and as Charles mentioned to Morley, to rush through trying to say the place name or not acknowledge the significance of the name, would be considered disrespectful (10). In addition to all this, the explicit place names in the Apache language, offer evidence of changes in the landscape (13), which can then be used to identify and explain any differences seen in the appearance of the place after many years. They show what is different and what has remained the same (16) For the Apache, history is no farther than ones imagination; it is very near (32). People known as place-makers formulate place-worlds in which the ancestors lived in, to bring history back to life. A place-makers primary objective is to speak the past into being and essentially produce an experience (32) where an apache listener can build a credible image in their heads. Apache constructions of place reach deeply into other cultural spheres, including conceptions of wisdom, notions of morality, politeness and tact in forms of spoken discourse, and certain conventional ways of imagining and interpreting the Apache tribal past (xv) The stories are designed to attempt to instill admirati on and empathy for the ancestors (33) who arrived in a foreign land, identified what would be useful, described areas so that others would know about it and toiled to make an environment capable of sustaining life. Unless of course, what they did was immoral or unethical, in which case their stories served as a lesson of how not to act and showed possible consequences that may occur if you ignore the advice. My opinion of the role of an anthropologist studying another culture would be to watch, listen, be respectful and record everything either in notes or recordings and this corresponds with Basso. During one of the tours Basso took with a place-maker named Charles, and a translator named Morley, he described his role as driving the jeep, providing coffee and Reeses peanut butter cups for Morley and recording everything on paper and audiotapes (10). As for his methods, he differentiated himself from other anthropologists who have ignored the fact that groups of people, like American Indians, maintain complex symbolic relationships with their surroundings, which hold a significant place in their culture (66). As for Bassos main findings, one of them was that historical stories could change peoples ideas about themselves and force them to admit to their poor behavior and concentrate on the significance of it (60). He concluded this when he observed people who were shot by stories (60) and were therefore flooded by a wave of shame and guilt, after which they would analyze their behavior and alter it accordingly. The book was an excellent resource to look into the lives of a group of people that a lot of the American public may not take the time to learn enough about, despite sharing their surroundings. It has also emphasized on the value of learning from the past and not just from generations that are still around, but from the original settlers in a place you may call home, and in this aspect, I can personally relate. Passed down from generation to generation, are the stories, myths or legends that have lessons that can still be applied to today. For example, in Uganda, one legend that is well known is the origin story of one of the largest tribes, the Baganda, featuring a man named Kintu and the various struggles he had to overcome in order to win the hand of the creators daughter, Nambi. In our generation, and some before us, we ignore the advice given to us by our parents and assume we know better. When I was younger, I did this because I did not understand why we had to listen to old st ories, when other cultures did not. I considered it an African thing that was not necessary or applicable. However, as I grew older, this quickly changed and I appreciate books, such as this one, that shows us our history and culture is essential and must be treasured. Wisdom does indeed sit in places and these places are in the minds and words of the people who came before us. REFERENCE PAGE Basso, Keith Hamilton. Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language among the Western Apache. University of New Mexico Press, 2010.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Negative Effects of Media Violence on Children

Americans have felt a growing uneasiness from the growing problem of youth violence with teens from the ages of twelve to eighteen. It is a controversial subject that is an increasingly rising with families and the in the government. Some people believe that the reason behind this national problem is because families are no longer a united unit and are not home to take responsibility of watching their children. There are others who believe that it is the influence of the media and technology. The issue this paper will examine whether youth violence has risen from unattached parenting or because the lack of censorship and influence of the media. Through the presentation of documented support, it will be shown the rising rate†¦show more content†¦in Benedict 2). Youth violence is an overwhelming problem as realization occurs on the horrifying fact that children are killing other children. Sixteen year old honor student Derrion Albert from Chicago was attacked on his way to school at the bus stop. A mob of teens attacked him and clubbed him in the head with a piece of wood, pushed him down and stomped on him. The beating was fatal and five suspects were charged ranging from ages 14 to 19. And this was all recorded on video with a cell phone (Billitteri 1). Attorney General Eric Holder said about Albert’s murder â€Å"Youth violence isnt a Chicago problem, any more than it is a black problem or a white problem. Its something that affects communities big and small, and people of all races and colors† (qtd. in Billitteri 1). Education Secretary Richard R. Riley also adds that on average 16,000 violent crimes or thefts occur near or on a school campus every day (â€Å"As Youth Violence† n. pag.). In Louis Harris’s poll for Harvard University School of Public Health shares the facts of 1 in every 10 children ages 10 to 19 say that they have been shot or have fired a gun at someone else. Forty percent knew someone who was injured or killed in gunfire. And another 59 percent said that they have easy accesses to a gun (â€Å"As Youth Violence† n. pag.).Show MoreRelatedWhat Is the Effect of Media Violence on Children1314 Words   |  6 PagesYasser Abdelaziz Ms. Williams English 1010-18 13, December 2010 The Effect of Media Violence on Children Although very little research was done on it in the past, media violence has sparked much controversy in recent history. As technology becomes more advanced, new methods of uncovering the media’s effects on children have emerged. Advances in Neuroscience, for example, can become tools to understanding the effects media violence has from a psychological standpoint. 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This is a serious issue, as youngRead MoreViolent Media Is Good For Kids1324 Words   |  6 PagesWhen it comes to the topic of violent media, some of us would readily agree it’s a controversial subject as to whether kids should or shouldn’t be exposed to it. This is because many children who view violent media react negatively rather than not being affected at all. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of what effects does it have on children. Whereas some are convinced that it is a healthy alternative for kids to express themselves, others maintain that it causes kidsRead More The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence Essay1448 Words   |  6 PagesThe Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence On April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, 13 people were killed and another 23 were wounded in one of the worst school killing incidents ever (Skeesis). Since the 1980s, overall homicide rates in the U.S. have declined. 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This correlation has been studied extensively in the scientific community in an attempt to discover whether media violence does negativelyRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Families809 Words   |  4 PagesJai Patel Mrs. Caldwell CP English 9 March 2017 How Media Violence is Affecting Families Often times parents overlook the fact of watching television as a subtle act without any true consequences. Children watch â€Å"TV†. However watching media over time takes a toll on the young mind. Many young children view television and other forms of media on a daily basis. With how society defines entertainment nowadays, there is bound to be negative and violent content on every child’s new smart â€Å"TV†. InRead More Media Violence and Its Effects Essay709 Words   |  3 PagesThroughout decades, media have became one of the most powerful weapons in the world. As time passed, more and more varieties of media were shown, like television, magazines, and internet. From reporting the news to persuading us to buy certain products, media became the only connection between people and the world. But violence in media is shown everywhere, it is hard to turn on your media source and not find violence displayed on the screen, no matter its television, internet, pr int media, or even radioRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Media On Aggressive Behavior1590 Words   |  7 Pagescorrlation between violent media and aggressive behaviors in individuals. This paper represents an effort to provide a source for individuals who are interested to gain information on the effect of violent media on aggressive behaviors. Most of the peer-reviewed and scholary articles used in this paper provided conclusions that violent media have multiply harmful affects on individuals especially children. Krahà © and Mà ¶ller (2011) discussed the relationship between usage of violent media and aggressive behaviors

Catcher in the Rye Free Essays

Austin Berryman Mrs. O American Literature 4 4 October 2012 Things Change The more things change the more they stay the same in Holden Caulfield’s case is wrong. In the story, The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield had to go through many changes to become the person he is at the end of the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now The many changes he went through matured him into a man that accepts life. Holden in the story went through many obstacles to survive when he ran away from home. The death of his brother Allie contributed to a personality change. Also, Holden had to deal with some interesting characters including Maurice a pimp. The time Holden spent alone was one of the main reasons he became a changed man by the end of the story. Holden used profanity, drank, and he lied it was not unit he the end of the book that he was able to look back on this and convey that he was just a scared kid. When Holden was living in New York, he went through many changes. His personality remained the same as it was in the beginning of the story while he was in New York. When he looked back on the events that took place there, he changed his views and his personality changed. Holden meets Maurice who is a pimp. When they meet, Maurice immediately tells Holden he is lonely and needs to have some â€Å"fun. † Holden decides to take Maurice up on his offer thinking it will be good practice for him to be with a woman before he gets married. When the prostitute arrives at his room, Holden begins to judge her. He projected some of his feelings on her. He realized he did not want to have relations with her and decides to pay her but not have sex. When she asks for ten dollars, he insists that they agreed upon five dollars. Thinking that he just got out of trouble, Maurice comes in and starts to yell at Holden. While he was yelling, the prostitute takes the money. The reason that this had an effect on Holden’s personality later is he finally learns that bad stuff things sometimes happen and he needs to remember people like Maurice and the prostitute. One may believe that Holden did not change at all in the story, but throughout the story Holden dreams of being the catcher in the rye. What this means is he wants to stand by a cliff and wait for kids to almost fall off and catch them. This is a metaphorical display of his longing to stop children being corrupted by a corrupt world. In reality, it is Holden that is the one about to fall off the cliff of adolescence into adulthood. Holden is the one on the cusp of adulthood. The death of Holden’s brother is the main reason for Holden’s change in personality and view of life. Holden’s brother, Allie, died when he was 11. Holden always told his Mom that she never let go of what happened to Allie. Actually, Holden was the one that did not let go. While at his brother’s grave, during the funeral, it began it rain. Everyone ran away to stay dry but Holden could not move because he felt so bad about Allie’s death that he could not move. He stayed there with his brother wearing his red hat. This showed that he finally accepted everything including his grief, his pain, and his place in the world. This was a change in personality. It means he was becoming a man. The more things change, the more they stay the same is not correct in Holden’s case. Holden is a troubled teenager and later realizes that he has to stop judging people and being childish. He realizes this by the end of the book. He also misses the people that he met in his venture in New York. He realizes that all of these people had an effect on his life that made him different. There is a quote that says, â€Å"The only thing that does not change is that things change. † In the case of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye, that quote is true. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Essay examples Catcher in the Rye Free Essays The Symbol of Allie in the book Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger is very important. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now Allie links to the theme of being able to stay young and carefree forever. Due to the fact that Allie died as a child he no longer can grow up and he does not have to face the problems that come along with it. Holden’s view of Allie starts out as Holden not being able to accept his death. His view of Allie changes into him accepting the death and realizing that Allie can never come back. Allie represents not having to deal with the problems and decisions of the adult world. When Holden first talks about his Brother Allie’s death, he starts to talk about how Allie was the nicest most intelligent one. He talks about how Allie’s baseball mitt â€Å"had poems written all over the fingers and the pocket and everywhere† (38). Allie writing the poems on his glove so he has something to read in the outfield shows that Allie was just being a kid. He was being carefree; he wrote the poems on the glove so he would keep from being bored. Holden also thinks of Allie when Sonny leaves. He starts to think of a time when they were just kids when he would not let Allie come to Bobby Fallon’s house with him. Holden then starts to talk to Allie telling him to â€Å"get your bike and meet me in front of Bobby’s house† (99). He says that he thinks about it whenever he becomes extremely depressed. Holden regrets not taking his brother with him because they were both kids and it really would not have made any difference. Holden’s view of Allie changes from the beginning to the end of the book. When Holden is talking to Phoebe, Phoebe asks what one thing he likes is and Holden responds with, Allie. Phoebe then goes on to say that Allie does not count because he is dead. Holden’s response to this is â€Å"Just because someone is dead, you don’t stop liking them, for God’s sake† (171). Holden has not accepted his brother’s death; he does not want to believe that Allie is not coming back. Holden does not let go of the memory of Allie because it is the only thing that keeps him going. When Holden is crossing the streets he keeps saying to Allie, â€Å"Allie, don’t let me disappear. Don’t let me disappear† (198); then, whenever he would come to the end of the street he would thank Allie. This is the last time that Holden makes any reference to Allie. At this point Holden has finally started to realize that nothing can ever be the same forever, and that he must just keep going on with his life. Holden understands that everything and everyone changes and grows up. When he is at the carousal with Phoebe, he says, â€Å"if they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them† (211). What Holden means by this, is that you cannot stop people from growing up. The only way to stop aging and stay a child forever is death. Holden was so caught up with Allie’s death because Allie no longer is growing up, and he does not have to face the hardships of being an adult. Allie does not have to live in a society â€Å"surrounded by phonies† (13). Holden finally comes to terms with the fact that he must grow up and move on. The way Holden views growing up and Allie changes through the book Catcher in the Rye. At first Holden cannot come to grip with the fact that everyone grows up and eventually looses the innocence and freedom of being a child. He keeps referring to his brother Allie, because Allie died when he was a child and never had to grow up. Holden soon figures out that change is inevitable for everyone; no one can stay an innocent carefree child unless they die. Holden finally realizes that everyone has to deal with the adult world, and must move on from being a child. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Essay examples Catcher in the Rye Free Essays The Theme of Phoniness in Catcher in the Rye Phoniness is a reoccurring theme used in J. D. Salinger’s ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by the main character Holden Caufield. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the entire novel, the word â€Å"phony† is used many times by Holden, making phoniness appear to be one of the most dominant reoccurring themes. He describes numerous characters’ â€Å"fake† attitudes as phony. It seems to be the way Holden rationalizes that the world is a bad place and thus making him want to protect adolescence and keep them from being exposed to adults and this phoniness. But Holden actually appears to be a hypocrite. Holden Caufield believes all adults are phony, but as the novel shows, Holden is not immune from phoniness himself. Holden is constantly referring to people and situations as phony. One being shallow, fake, or superficial qualifies them as a phony according to Holden. Holden sees this â€Å"phoniness† everywhere in the adult world. Many of the characters in the novel are indeed often phony to keep up their appearance, so yes, people are phony and Holden is right, but he himself is guilty of the same things. The first time Holden mentions the phonies he brings up Mr. Spencer. He had disagreed with Mr. Spencer when he had told him about â€Å"life being a game†, and simply responded by saying, â€Å"If you get on the side where all the hot shots are, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot shots, then what’s the game about? Nothing. No Game† (Salinger 8). Phonies, like his fellow students, are more interested in looking good than actually doing anything good. Holden often develops sarcastic phoniness, either out of his anger or as a complete joke. After Holden got in a fight with his roommate, Stradlater, he goes into his neighbor Ackley’s room. When Ackley does not let him sleep in his empty roommate’s bed Holden says, â€Å"You’re a real prince. You’re a gentleman and a scholar, kid† (Salinger 47-8). This is a perfect example of Holden’s sarcasm and phoniness, especially since he had earlier admitted to how much he disliked Ackley. Throughout the novel Holden tell pointless lies, talks to girls he does not like, or agrees with things he in reality does not match his beliefs at all. For example, after Holden gives three women, whom he refers to as â€Å"witches† they eye at the table next to him he says, â€Å"That annoyed the hell out of me—you’d’ve thought I wanted to marry them or something. I should’ve given them the freeze, after they did that, but the trouble was, I really felt like dancing† (Salinger 70). These women are exactly the type of women Holden sees as phony as they were interested in movie stars and material things, and yet he still wants to dance with them, and also precedes to buy their drinks. Furthermore, in chapter 13, Holden accepts a prostitute for five dollars, he says, â€Å"It was against my principles and all, but I was feeling so depressed I didn’t even think† (Salinger 91). Holden even says right then and there it was against his â€Å"principals†, but he shows that he himself is superficial as well. Although he does not end up doing anything with Sunny, the prostitute, he accepted in the first place only to show that he is not a coward. Holden believes women like men who assert power–and if these men with power were anybody else but himself he would refer to them as phony. In summary, Holden Caufield is not exempt from phoniness himself. Phoniness to Holden is his way of describing someone who is fake, superficial, shallow, or a hypocrite, judged by his encounters with others. Holden shows throughout the novel that he, himself, is a hypocrite too. He lies to people, cheats people, judges people, and does things that he would not agree with if it were somebody else doing it. Holden is his own counterevidence. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Papers Catcher in the Rye Free Essays Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye Holden’s Red Hunting Hat – NOTES When one first reads The Catcher in the Rye, one might be surprised by the unusual red hunting hat that Holden chooses to wear. It is ironic that Holden criticizes Mr. Spencer for being the kind of old guy that â€Å"can get a big bang out of buying a [Navajo] blanket,† and yet, just a few chapters later, he admits that he himself gets â€Å"a big bang out of that hat. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now † At least on this level, the hat hints that Holden has the same characteristics he criticizes in others. Holden tells us (towards the beginning of Chapter Three) that he bought the hat in New York that morning after he left all the fencing equipment on the subway and angered the entire fencing team. It is obvious that Holden is feeling particularly vulnerable and insecure at the time, though Holden would never admit to this. The hat comforts him when he is feeling insecure and troubled. It is important to consider when Holden is comfortable wearing the hat, and when he is simply not secure or needy enough to wear it. He puts the hat on at significant moments – writing the composition about Allie’s baseball mitt, staring at himself in the mirror and pretending to be fearless after Stradlater punches him, yelling â€Å"Sleep tight, ya morons† down the corridor of the dormitory. He takes it off when he’s on the train, going to a bar, in hotel lobbies, and for other pursuits that take him out in the public eye. While he is enthusiastic about the hat in private, he is reluctant to don the hat in public. The reader is given hints to this at the start of Chapter Thirteen (â€Å"I took my red hunting hat [†¦] and put it on – I didn’t give a damn how I looked†), the end of Chapter Sixteen (â€Å"I took my old hunting hat out [†¦] and put it on. I knew I wouldn’t meet anybody that knew me†), and the start of Chapter Twenty-One (â€Å"I’d already taken off my hunting hat, so as not to look suspicious†). Despite his embarrassment, the hunting hat becomes an important part of the way Holden sees himself. He admits it’s â€Å"corny,† but he â€Å"like[s] how it look[s]. † It’s a people shooting hat, he declares. When he’s wearing it, he can be as insular and invincible as he wishes. That is why it’s so significant when Phoebe puts it on his head at the end of the novel; not only is she giving back to Holden, but she is demonstrating that she loves and accepts him as the individual that he is – strange red hunting hat and all. Some literary critics claim that the colour of the hat is important, for both Allie and Phoebe had red hair. The red hunting hat serves an important function in the novel in that it helps to develop the theme of alienation and how Holden feels so disconnected not only from society, but from himself. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Papers Catcher in the Rye Free Essays An unhappy Epiphany In contemporary society, loss of Innocence Is obvious during the transition of childhood to adolescence. Today’s view on losing this kind innocence is actually deemed to be what would the â€Å"cool† thing to do; thus, many people around the same age as Holder Coalfield, conform to this norm and try to act as if their own innocence Is lost. Throughout Catcher In the Rye by J. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now D. Slinger, examples of the loss of innocence are shown in various scenes where Holder Coalfield, the main character, is with a symbol of innocence. For example, Holder is seen in a Natural history Museum, and no matter how much time has passed, the inside never changes. This symbol represents that no matter what has happened In Holder’s life, he Is able to return to this museum, where as If a freeze-frame picture of his own childhood comes back to life. J. D. Slinger develops the corruption of the young by introducing several scenes in Catcher in the Rye where Holder’s previous views of innocence are challenged by the adultery and corruption that he experiences in real world situations. An idea that can be interpreted from the fear of losing innocence that Holder eels is actually Holder just being afraid of getting older, even more so that he finds adulthood repulsive. I said no, there wouldn’t be marvelous places to go to after I went to college and all. â€Å"Open your ears. It’d be entirely different. We’d have to go downstairs in elevators with suitcases and stuff. We’d have to phone up everybody and tell ‘me good-by and send ‘me postcards from hotels and all. And I’d be working in some office, making a lot of dough, and riding to work in cabs and Madison Avenue buses, and reading newspapers, and playing bridge all the time, and going to the ivies and seeing a lot of stupid shorts and coming attractions and newsreels. Newsreels. Christ almighty. † (Slinger 133) Various adjectives and phrases can be taken that can describe the atrocities of what Holder would call a â€Å"phony. † These Include being concerned with money, social formalities, and parties. What Slinger uses Is the breakdown of Holder at this point of the book where he finally get fed up with Sally, and releases a bit of what he feels on the inside. Slinger puts Holder in this kind of confrontation to allow the reader to realize that Holder does not want to come older, and eventually, a phony. Another example of this kind of Acrophobia (fear of aging) Is, again, In the example of the Museum. â€Å"The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody’s move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would still be Just finished catching those two fish, the birds would still be on their way south, the Deere would still be drinking out of that water hole A part of this quote that should be dissected, that relates to the theme of this fear of getting older, is: â€Å"The only thing different would be you. Just to restate, this reminder of the museum is the snapshot in time where Holder keeps precious, which relates to Innocence. Through this, Holder’s visits to the museum allow him a break from his perceptions and the changing world. Holder loves it because everything Is constant – the Eskimo, birds, etc and he would feel, â€Å"Nobody be different. The only thing that 1 OFF putting forth a symbol that every reader is familiar with and that museum constant and never changing inside is the way that Holder wants to keep all children at. And through this kind of preservation we are able to interpret this innocence as omitting that we too cherished at a young age, being the museum. Another way that Slinger develops this theme of loss of innocence is through Slinger introducing what Holder Coalfield wants to do; He wants to save kid’s lives. You know that song ‘If a body catch a body comic’ through the rye’? I’d like – † â€Å"It’s ‘If a body meet a body coming through the rye’! † old Phoebe said. â€Å"It’s a poem. By Robert Burns. † † I know it’s a poem by Robert Burns. † She was right, though. It is â €Å"If a body meet a body coming through the rye. † I didn’t know it then, though. â€Å"l thought it was ‘If a body catch a body,'† I said. Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff- I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d Just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be. I know it’s crazy. † (173) Within this quote contains he first symbol of â€Å"catcher in the rye. However, Holder misinterprets this idea and actually interprets it to be Holder wanting to catch a body coming through the rye, instead of a body were to meet a body coming through the rye. Also, instead of saying people’s lives, he states that he wants to save kid’s lives, and actual irony occurs because the son g is actually about sex. Anyways, Slinger presents this scene where he opens up his true side and consults with his sister about what he actually wants to do in life. Also, But while I was sitting down, I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody’s written â€Å"Buck you† on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and how they’d wonder what the hell it meant, and then finally some dirty kid would tell them – all cockeyed, naturally – what it meant, and how they’d all think about it and maybe even worry about it for a couple of days. I kept wanting to kill whoever written it. I figured it was some perverts bum that’d sneaked in the school late at night to take a leak or something and then wrote it on the wall. I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I’d mash his head on the stone steps till he was good and goddamn dead and bloody. But I knew, too, I wouldn’t have the guts to do it. I knew that. That made me even more depressed. † The most significant part of this quote is where Holder again admits that he is continually feeling more and more depressed due to the curse words on the wall. This shows that he is protective over the young and innocent children who are becoming more and more corrupted with this kind of terrible writing of the wall. Slinger portrays a character of wanting to retain the innocence that Holder Coalfield holds in such high regard. Slinger presents Holder Coalfield in a way such that Holder truly Just wants to stay a kid. Holder wants to prevent what’s happened to him, and his own loss of innocence, to the kids around him. This is why Holder reacts the way he does when he surrounded by what he calls â€Å"phonies† who are adults, already corrupted and the museum and how he finds that place a safe haven, due to it representing stillness of his past innocence. Finally, the â€Å"Catcher in the Rye† song symbolizes the literal catcher in the rye who will capture the kids and save them before their own innocence is lost. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Papers Catcher in the Rye Free Essays ENG 3U1 – The Catcher in the Rye Essay Outline Assignment Task: Pick one of the essay prompts below. Your answer to the prompt will be the thesis of your essay. Thoughtfully and carefully craft an essay outline to develop and defend your thesis. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now Be concise and to the point, this is only an outline! You may consult your agenda, previous notes and our class for essay writing tips. Be sure to use text-based evidence to support your thesis. Essay Prompts Throughout the novel, Holden is a tormented adolescent. He feels alienated and isolated at Pencey Prep, he is belittled and dismissed by women he wants to impress, he is beaten up twice, he dreams of escape from the world he lives in and he even considers suicide. Yet, despite these hardships, the novel maintains a humourous tone. Why did Salinger choose humour as the tone for his novel? How does humour contribute to the novel’s larger meaning and effect? Consider how the novel’s meaning would be different if Salinger did not use so much humour. Discuss the meaning or impact of the title of the book as a central, controlling theme in the novel. How does Holden’s wish to be â€Å"the catcher in the rye† help readers understand both his character and the nature of his deep troubles and concerns about life? Be sure to address the significance of Holden’s misreading of the Robert Burns’ poem. Critic Maxwell Geismar writes, â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye protests, to be sure, against both the academic and social conformity of its period. But what does it argue for? † Write an essay to explain what the book argues for. What might Salinger have been trying to communicate to his readers through his novel, and how does he do so? Holden, like each of us, faces living in a world he did not create. While he may reject much of the dominant culture, he is also clearly affected by it. What faults of the larger society does Holden exhibit? How does Salinger reveal these faults to the reader? DUE: December 6th-9th Template Exemplar Thesis:_In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger is able to use humour as a way of connecting with his readers as well as a device to highlight the obvious flaws in nature. If humour was not to be found, the meaning of the novel would have a overall dark atmosphere. Supporting Argument 1 Why Humour? He uses humour because the story is told in the perspective of a teenager. Teenagers in general and Holden as a reference is very emotional throughout the book. Salinger uses humour to make the novel easier to read for the readers Proof: Keeps the reader entertained through the spontaneous acts the Holden commits Analysis: Many of the things Holden does is just spontaneous, he acts on impulse. These sorts of things bring humour into the overall message of the novel. Events such as calling friends like Luce and Sally are acting on impulse. Proof: Teenagers hide their emotions through jokes Analysis: Holden numerous times uses humour as a way of getting out of tough times. One example is when Pheobe is mad at him and he pinches her rear-end. A second example happens when he calls Sally a pain in the ass, he begins to laugh. They use these jokes to hide their emotions, as well as using drugs and alcohol to numb the emotion. Proof: The constant use of Sarcasm shows how Holden doesn’t have a full grasp of what adulthood really is. Analysis: Holden puts on the act of how everything seems fine when in reality Holden is always covering the pain he is feeling through his immature ways and sarcasm. Also, teenagers try to laugh things off. Like Holden, he doesn’t want people to judge him because of his feelings. Sarcastic remarks such as the one he made about the men carrying the christmas tree bring humour into the novel to lighten the mood. Supporting Argument 2 Humour is used as a crutch for such a depressing book. It allows the reader to become more entertained rather then reading about depressing things. Humouris just used to show how dumb people can really be in the world. Proof: Used to display that Holden is in trouble and is in need of help Analysis: Holden lies to hide from his life it seems as though he makes another life that is bigger and better than the one that he is living in now. He escapes his life by living another. All of these are showing how he is not healthy at all and needs help. Holden tries not to think about these issues in his life, so he choses to make jokes about them Proof: The humour was used to point out all the flaws in nature. Analysis: The one thing that Holden hated most was phonies. He constantly ranted about how he hated these so called people. Salinger used Holden as a way of speaking his mind. about his subject without going out publicly about it himself. He was able to speak his mind behind the disguise of a character. In Chapter 22 Holden says that adults are inevitably phonies and the worst part is that they can’t see their own phoniness. Proof: The larger meaning of the story is that childhood can never remain, meaning you can’t stay a child forever. Analysis: Holden’s humour shows the childish-like qualities that he possess within him. He switches moods very often. When with the women or out on the town, he has a very grown up personality then he would have a child-like quality while doing something else. Overall, although Holden acts older then his age, but wants to preserve his youth, he will never get his way, it’s just impossible. Supporting Argument 3 How would the story be different if humour wasn’t used? Humour is an important aspect in this type of novel which is very heavy on depressing topics. This lighter tone gives the reader a better chance at understanding the book. Without this, many people would become lost in the dark and depressing topics of the novel. Proof: The book wouldn’t be as enjoyable as it is to numerous students Analysis: The constant depressed mood and Holden’s pessimistic thoughts would have many readers unhappy with the novel. Since the story is told from a teenage perspective, a teenagers first thought is not to sit around and listen to someone depressing life story, they want to be able to live their life and do new things. Proof: The humour allows the readers to relate to the book. Analysis: Many things such as hiding emotions, and teenagers all confused about life are all things that teenagers are able to relate too. It adds interest and shows that even though Holden can be dry and gloomy, he is still a human and has a full range of emotions. The relationship with the readers and Holden would not exist. Proof: The effect of the humour adds contrast to the book. Analysis: The humour sets a delicate balance between the dark atmosphere of the book and the stupidity of Holden, and Salinger walks that line very well. Conclusion: In conclusion, Humour is a vital aspect in this novel. It allows people such as Holden to be themselves and be comfortable around other people. Even outside the book, extended to the readers, it is easier to understand the novel and it is more easily relatable. Without his humour, the book would not be the same. Thesis Restated: In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger is able to use humour as a way of connecting with his readers as well as a device to highlight the obvious flaws in nature. If humour was not to be found, the meaning of the novel would have a overall dark atmosphere. 1. Humour is used to establish a connection with readers as a way of communicating a point . Salinger is able to use Holden a disguise to let the world hear his mind as he speaks about the ‘phoniness’ 3. The humour found in the novel lightens the tone of overall depressing one found throughout the novel. Connection of topic to broader context: All humans are emotional and whether they like it or not they all show it. Many people hide these emotions so they won’t be judged or neglected. Humour is important at this part sin ce humour can be used as a cover up to hide these emotions. Humour also allows for a lighter atmosphere How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Essay examples Catcher in the Rye Free Essays In J. D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield’s apparent madness and irrational behavior plays an important role. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now The decisions that Holden makes at the time seem un-normal and irrational to characters in the novel, but to the reader they seem wise and reasonable. One example of this behavior is the way Holden treats women. Throughout the novel he has the temptation to be with women, but he can resist his urges. He doesn’t want to be with a girl, just to be with a girl, Caulfield actually wants it to mean something. At the time people would have thought Holden was mad for passing up some of his opportunities with women, but when a reader reads about it, they feel like Holden is making the right decision. This helps the reader to believe that Holden is mature. When Holden donates the ten dollars he has to the nuns, some people may think that that was a large amount of money to spend on something, in which you get no gift out of. Even though Holden didn’t receive something physically back, he did receive something back mentally. Since he had felt guilty for the night before, he wanted to pay off his guilt. To some people it may seem â€Å"mad† to pay off your guilt, but to Holden it was what he needed to do. Madness can be determined differently through other peoples eyes, what one person may think is what is considered â€Å"mad†, another may find completely normal. The difference and the significance of the â€Å"madness† in the novel work as a whole because it shows how not thinking like everyone else isn’t a bad thing. Holden has a mind of his own, and he uses it to his advantage, making him a stronger and more independent individual. Holden carries himself in a very unique way, some people may think his decision are irrational, and some may think they are completely logical. Analyzing how â€Å"madness† works, and how â€Å"madness† is seen through different peoples eyes is difficult, but when it comes down to it, it is always going to be seen differently. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Papers Catcher in the Rye Free Essays Mariah Lindsey A. P Literature Composition 9/7/12 Catcher in the Rye Analysis Essay Elizabeth Norton once used a quote that’s states â€Å"To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy. †Ã¢â‚¬  Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and decided to look beyond the imperfections, so you want feel the need of a friend†. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Catcher in the Rye, Salinger uses Holden to suggest children around the world are depressed and want to gain a relationship with anyone who’s willing to talk to them. During depression people may appear unfriendly to and irritate others, unfortunately in Holden case he was friendly to others because he was so depressed for a relationship and a friend. In the illuminating moment In the Hotel, the author J. D Salinger shows how depress Holden was to gain a relationship with someone by using imagery. â€Å"Ya got a hanger? I don’t want to get my dress all wrinkly. It’s brand-clean. † The prostitute asked Holden for a hanger to hang up her dress as if the dress was expensive and clean. Holden says â€Å"I took her dress over to the closet and hung it up for her. It was funny. It made me feel sort of sad when I hung it up. † It relates to imagery because of how Holden was describing her dress and how he hung it up. â€Å"I thought of her going to the store and buying it, and nobody in the store knowing that she was a prostitute. Holden is imagining the prostitute going to buy the dress and how it’s funny that’s nobody know what type of person she was when she bought it. This connects to the theme of him being depressed for a relationship because it shows him trying to imagine a state of affairs existing between him and the prostitute. Salinger also uses idiom to show how depress Holden is for a relationship and a friend. â€Å"Innarested in having a good time fella? or is it too late for you. † Idiom is beginning use because the man in the hotel uses a different language to take on a different meaning on the text, so Holden try’s to relate to him by talk in the same format, which shows him trying to make a relationship. â€Å"Uh huh. Well how about it? Y’innarested? Five bucks a throw. 15 bucks the whole night. The man interrupts a different language so that you can understand what a throw was and how much it cost. Five bucks a throw, 15 bucks til noon. â€Å"Okay â€Å"I said. â€Å"It was against my principles and all but I was feeling so depress I didn’t even think. † This also shows idiom because of the words they used to describe that Holden was paying for a prostitute to come up to his room. The relationship the literary device has to the theme I created is that, Holden is so depressed and lonely that he has a long conversation with the man who works in the hotel about paying for a prostitute that he really doesn’t want have sex with just to gain a relationship with someone. This is an illuminating incident because he paid for a prostitute to come and have a conversation with him. He didn’t even have sex with her. Holden was just so depressed and lonely that he wanted to build a relationship with a women who sales her body for money and man who tries to get men to buy a prostitute. He really didn’t care who he talked to, he really just needed someone who’s going to listen to him and talk to him so they can have a relationship. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Essay examples Catcher in the Rye Free Essays The Catcher in the Rye is written in a subjective style from the point of view of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, following his exact thought process (a writing style known as stream of consciousness). There is flow in the seemingly disjointed ideas and episodes; for example, as Holden sits in a chair in his dorm, minor events such as picking up a book or looking at a table, unfold into discussions about experiences. Critical reviews agree that the novel accurately reflected the teenage colloquial speech of the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic only for you Order Now Holden is six feet two and has grown six and a half inches in the last year. He’s a heavy smoker and wears his hair in a crew cut. People mistake him for being 13 even though he’s 16 and has a headful of gray hair. Holden’s appearance is that of an adolescent who’s not just too young or too old for his age, but somehow both at once. Holden has just failed out of Pencey Prep. The only subject he passed was English, as he reads a lot on his own. The novel follows Holden’s last few days at Pencey and the events that happen afterward, which lead to his hospitalization and psychoanalysis. The Catcher in the Rye is the story of Holden Caulfield during these crucial days, as told by Holden. Holden is alienated from society. He feels that no one understands him and that everyone is a â€Å"phony†. He thinks that no one is honest, and everybody wants to be something else. He feels that the only person who understands him is Phoebe. He does not have relationships with girls, or anyone because he feels that he is the only genuine person in the world.. Holden has to deal with loss. He loses his brother, Allie, to leukemia, and feels a tremendous loss. Allie wrote poems on an old baseball glove, and Holden cherishes this, and speaks about it in great detail. His brother D. B. lives in Hollywood, and is a screenwriter. Holden regards him as a â€Å"phony† and has little contact with him. He regards D. B. as a figurative prostitute, who writes only to make money, and not for intellectual redemption. Another issue in Catcher is betrayal. Holden constantly feels betrayed, and that is a possible cause of his problems. Early in the novel, Mr. Spencer betrays him. He was one of the few teachers at Pency that Holden liked. Spencer broke the news of Holden’s expulsion, and Holden felt betrayed. Stradlater betrays Holden by dating his best friend, Jane, whom Holden also had a crush on. When Holden returns home to see Phoebe, she is disappointed in him that he failed out of Pency. He thinks that she should accept him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed. Writer Bruce Brooks held that Holden’s attitude remains unchanged at story’s end, implying no maturation, thus differentiating the novel from young adult fiction. In contrast, writer and academic Louis Menand thought that teachers assign the novel because of the optimistic ending, to teach adolescent readers that â€Å"alienation is just a phase. While Brooks maintained that Holden acts his age, Menand claimed that Holden thinks as an adult, given his ability to accurately perceive people and their motives such as when Phoebe states that she will go out west with Holden, and he immediately rejects this idea as ridiculous, much to Phoebe’s disappointment. Others highlight the dilemma of Holden’s s tate, in between adolescence and adulthood. While Holden views himself to be smarter than and as mature as adults, he is quick to become emotional. â€Å"I felt sorry as hell for†¦ † is a phrase he often uses. Peter Beidler, in his A Reader’s Companion to J. D. Salinger’s â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†, identifies the movie that the prostitute Sunny refers to in chapter 13 of The Catcher in the Rye. She says that in the movie a boy falls off a boat. The movie is Captains Courageous, starring Spencer Tracy. Sunny says that Holden looks like the boy who fell off the boat. Beidler shows (see p. 28) a still of the boy, played by child-actor Freddie Bartholomew. The novel’s philosophy has been negatively compared with that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Each Caulfield child has literary talent: D. B. writes screenplays in Hollywood; Holden also reveres D. B. for his writing skill (Holden’s own best subject), but he also despises movies, considering them the ultimate in â€Å"phony†, and describes D. B. ‘s move to Hollywood to write for films as â€Å"prostituting himself†; Allie wrote poetry on his baseball glove; and Phoebe is a diarist. This â€Å"catcher in the rye† is an analogy for Holden, who admires in kids attributes he struggles to find in adults, like innocence, kindness, spontaneity, and generosity. Falling off the cliff could be a progression into the adult world that surrounds him and that he strongly criticizes. Later, Phoebe and Holden exchange roles as the â€Å"catcher† and the â€Å"fallen†; he gives her his hunting hat, the catcher’s symbol, and becomes the fallen as Phoebe becomes the catcher. Holden is an atypical teenager. He is alienated more than most adolescents. He also is in the midst of an identity crisis. All teenagers go through these phases, so everyone can relate to Holden to some extent. Holden is socially inept. Although he has many friends and acquaintances, he can not form lasting, meaningful friendships. Most teenagers, although they do have insecurities, are able to function in relationships. Holden does not mature through the novel. He actually regresses back to a child-like state of mind. He is constantly dwelling on the death of his younger brother, and avoids his parents, and feels like the only person he can talk to is his ten year old sister. Holden holds Allie and Phoebe in such high esteem because they are innocent. Holden’s goal is to protect innocence in the world. When he hears the â€Å"Catcher in the Rye† song being sung by a little boy, he decides that he wants to be the person that keeps children from falling off a cliff. That cliff symbolizes the transition from childhood to adulthood, and he wants to keep them as innocent children, not phony adults. How to cite Catcher in the Rye, Papers